Category Archives: Alo


Above – One of many group photos from our trip to Potrero and nature hike with the boys.

This one requires a close up of these happy boys.

These two boys are troopers. They hiked almost the whole way. It threatened to rain while we were there but we managed to stay dry and have fun.

This park in Potrero is huge with small cabins for rent and a lot of areas for motor home hookups and other areas with picnic tables and playgrounds, not to mention plenty of areas for photo ops. We were the only ones there so we had the whole park to ourselves. It’s beautiful San Diego backcountry worthy of another visit and more exploring next time Robb brings the boys to town.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone, smiling and reminiscing with LOVE!

Nati’s and a Walk on the Pier

Above – Group photo from the OB Pier.

Below – Lunch on the patio at Nati’s followed by a walk on the pier.

In the wagon …

Here’s the sailboat that missed the jetty. We saw it from the pier so I needed to get closer for a better photo. We drove by again Sunday morning and it was on the beach. Evidently it’s being torn apart now and hauled away.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!


Above – Somewhere along I-5. Kando and Alo on their way to San Diego last Saturday … 

Bravery is shopping at Costco a week before Christmas. It wasn’t too bad.

Sunday we woke up to Robb and the kids being here after driving down from Walnut Creek. Then we had all the grandkids here in their pjs for breakfast.After breakfast the kids decided they would set up to be at the movies.Kando really likes Maya.And Ron claims I never make him cheesecake …The next morning Kando and Alo greeted me with smiles.
We got together at Great Grandmas for some holiday photos and somebody was being stubborn.The challenge is getting everyone to sit still, then to look, then to get everyone to smile.Ron sent me this photo of him and the kids at the gym.Today – a rainy day of football and kids, then tonight all the family gets together for dinner and gift exchange for the kids (although Santa came to our house on Wednesday!). 

I have many more really good photos I took this week that I will share in the coming days.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

All Tuckered Out

Above – Group photo at Miguel’s with two very tuckered out little ones.

Below – Must be jet lag …Not long after that …Last evening – a birthday Skype with Robb and the boys …Adho Mukha Svanasana aka Downward Facing Dog pose.

I took many photos to get only a couple with the boys still enough to not be a blur. Alo and Kando are very busy boys.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone a year older with LOVE!

Fisherman’s Wharf

Above – Robb, Kando, Alo and me taking a maritime tour on an old ship at Hyde Street Pier.

When Robb picked me up from my flat this afternoon both kids were passed out in the back seat.

We drove to Fisherman’s Wharf and walked around Hyde Street Pier and the Ghirardelli building. It rained most of the day but the weather broke for short periods.

There were people swimming in the bay. Several of them. Without wetsuits. Yikes!The boat in the background in the photo below and the two photos that follow is the old SF Bay ferry used before the Golden Gate Bridge was built. 

Ahrrrr … Sorry this photo turned out a bit dark. It’s a beautiful waterfall with mermaids. 

This was a short visit and I’m glad I was able to spend some time with the boys even if it was for just a few hours. I’ll be back in SD in a matter of hours where I’m hoping it’ll be dry and warm.

Have I mentioned how much I love San Francisco and the Bay Area? Part of that I’m sure has to do with having loved ones here but it truly is a beautiful area. Yoga aside, there is so much to do here and as heavily populated as it is, nature is abundant. Every time I visit I experience something different and leave with precious memories.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone from San Francisco with LOVE!

Big Bike Little Bike

Above – I don’t know where this was taken or whose bike it is but it sure is a cute picture of Maya.

Below – New bikes to ride with Daddy.

Face plant! “I ok.”

& Maya too (sequential) …

I somehow missed posting this one that Robb sent me a couple weeks ago. A great photo of the boys, all 3 of them. They sure love going on outings together.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Just Bloggin’

Above – Enjoying a sunset courtesy of Daddy.

I’m still (and always) trying to catch up on posting my photos. These are all pre-Halloween photos.

This is a pumpkin Alo made at preschool.Baking cookies for Alo’s preschool bake sale…

Winding down after bath time with a little snack of popcorn.Happiness is … DESSERT!

This one’s for KJ. Dukha!! I ordered the dukha online and used the olive oil you bought. Very good stuff.Ron said the kids wanted to fly a kite…

Next up, Alo plays a bunch of musical instruments, also pre-Halloween.

I’ll close with this …

A special PS to Grandma JoJo … this morning I was talking to the kids about getting to fly to Ohio to see their Gramma JoJo & Maya said “She’s my favorite.” I said what about you other Gramma? & she said “I love all of them.” It was so sweet.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!


Above – Jamie & Bruce making huckleberry cobbler (I now have the recipe!)

Below – it started with a walk, just me & the Sparts. We came across all kinds of fun things…

Including a black cat that crossed our path!

Then to Great Grandma’s for dinner & trick or treating.

Here’s what it looked like up North …
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Happy Halloween

Above – Sparty’s class of Halloweeners.

Below – A sneak preview of who’s going to be what today.

Looks like we’ll have to wait to see what Maya and Kando will be.

The last photos from the Pt. Loma Nazarene Harvest Festival – Maya going down the bounce slide…

Also at PLNU, the sky was beautiful that day …
Kando hoola hooping somewhere far far away …
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!