Monthly Archives: March 2017

Field Trip

Above & below – Robb and the boys on a fun field trip!

Then a nice dinner of crab legs and carrots.

Even more fun …

While Ron and the kids have a picnic …

Jorge at Hugo’s.

Off she goes! We dropped Grandma off at the airport this morning and her chaperone wished her away to her gate.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

They come (and go) in twos …

Above and below – Robb sent me these photos taken about a month ago at Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek.

Remember the photos of Maya and her cinnamon toast? Well, the following week she decided she wanted to have some more, but this time with her brother. They were being silly (imagine that!). It just so happens there was also a “Where has your OBYoga Water Bottle Been?” moment I didn’t notice when I took the picture!

From Robb – One of his Tuesdays with the boys, getting some fresh air and eating seaweed. Yes, that’s right, seaweed. I think it’s yucky but they love it.

In the next two photos if you look closely you’ll see our two baby hummingbirds before they flew away. The nest is tiny. These two little ones took up the entire nest and then some.

And here are the two baby doves that flew away a couple days later.

The first video is of a very silly gymnast feeling very comfortable and at home on the trampoline.

This next very short video is of a fearless 1½ year old Kando with some incredible balance!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and MacBook with LOVE!

It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt …

Above – A sweet photo Ron took of Maya.

Below – This little one enjoys his food. Before leaving Sacramento to return to Walnut Creek, we stopped at this good Mexican restaurant. I think Kando had his fill …

That same day as we were leaving in the morning, Alo was horsing around on the stairs. Robb kept telling him to stop horsing around but the silly boy kept on doing his thing. It all came to an end with a tumble and fall. The ground where he landed has little rocks embedded in the concrete. Later in the day, Alo said “Those rocks are hard.” Here are pictures Robb took and sent to me that evening.

An early morning before music class with the Sparts down near the lifeguard station in OB.

That same afternoon Maya was hungry, as she always is after gymnastics. She and I made cinnamon toast using butter (lots of butter) with sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top of the toast. My grandma used to make this with me and I loved it.

Maya loved it too. Yes, I let her eat in the yoga studio. The kids get away with just about everything in there …

Oh, look at Alo and Kando getting their teeth cleaned.

And Kando loves sitting on the potty. I’m not sure he’s doing anything on there, but it sure looks like he’s having fun.

You gotta love this little guy doing his stretches on Pajama Day at San Diego Gymnastics. That’s his friend James in the background.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and iMac with LOVE!

Sunday at the Sacramento Train Museum

Above – Check out this old rotary snow plow. I had no idea what it was and still find it hard to believe something like this can plow snow for a train.

In the morning still in pjs before heading out for the day.

After breakfast we geared up and drove to Sacramento to visit the train museum. The drive there was absolutely beautiful. Lots of green farmland and cows to look for. But the best part of the drive was listening to Alo, Maya and Kando singing “The Wheels on the Bus,” “Jingle Bells” and “Frosty the Snowman” among others. I think Christmas carols are here to stay. These kids have great singing voices!

Hanging out in front of the train museum.
Inside the museum – It’s a huge warehouse filled with retired locomotives. Here are just a few of them.Just as amazing as the rotary snow plow is the cattle catcher on the front of this train.

Upstairs at the museum is a play area where the kids can play with trains. They really liked this.

Both Alo and Kando fell asleep on the way home so we didn’t get to say a formal goodbye to them before we headed home. But we had a great time and very much enjoyed our short visit. Thanks to Robb for giving up his bed for Maya and me!

I spent this weekend (Fri through Sun) resting and recuperating, and I feel so much better today. This sinus cold knocked me out but I’m feeling much better today.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

More from Saturday

Above & below – The park at the park.

This is similar to the tin can with a string idea where the kids can talk into a shower-head-looking device and be heard through another several yards away. This is a nice little park next to the farm.

Maya and Alo got a little painting done while Kando napped.

We took a walk to a Chinese restaurant just down the street from Robb’s apartment and Maya took some time out to help Alo with his zipper.

This Buddha was directly behind and above me in the restaurant. The food was really good.

I’m holed up in the house today with a dreaded cold. I recommend against catching this.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and MacBook with LOVE!

Saturday Revisited

Above – Cousins on the train.

These are all photos Robb sent to me that he took from his phone at Tilden Park Saturday.

The merry go round.

The farm.

A peeing goat … of course.

This goat is giving Kando a little advice on what kind of food it would like next.
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Tilden Park

Above – one of our cow friends at the farm.

Below – First Place Alo smoothy mustache. 

Creative building …

If you lose something under the couch, Kando’s your man!

Waiting for the train to go.

Hurrying to the merry go round.


Robb made a killer lunch! Peanut butter & huckleberry jam sandwiches, cantaloupe, raisins, halo tangerines & more.

The second time around Robb’s on the teeny tiny horse & Kando’s on the frog.

At the farm…


Kando’s not afraid.

Even with that big ole tongue sticking out at him!
Maya helping Kando get up close and personal.

There’s that tongue again. Notice Maya’s knee … 


Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

SAN to OAK to Walnut Creek

Above & below – at the airport!

Waiting for our plane.

On our way!

Cousins! Normally I have to take a lot of photos to get everyone smiling and looking at the camera. Not this day. Since all the photos turned out great I decided to post them all.

Waiting (forever) at the rental car place. Finding a car that fits 3 kids’ seats in the back wound up being a harder task than one would imagine.

Today we’re on our way to ride a train & carousel & feed some farm animals.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone from Walnut Creek with LOVE!