Monthly Archives: July 2014

It’s a bird. No it’s a plane!

Alo loves looking at airplanes. I think it’s one of his favorite pastimes. We get to have him today for a couple hours, so you can guaranty we’ll be spending some of that time looking in the sky.

These pictures Robb took when he came to pick Alo up on Monday.



So our next door neighbors (the ones to the north) this week put their house on the market. They’re asking $859k. As part of the “fix up” to make the property more appealing, someone, either the owner or an agent for the realtor, constructed this beautiful outdoor “bar” for sitting, talking, drinking, eating…




Among the many problems with this addition eyesore is the fact that it overhangs about 8 inches over the property line, above our deck. You can see from the photos that it’s ugly, unfinished, and poorly constructed. Interestingly, our neighbor works in … construction! The photo below is from the street. Our property line is 3″ on the left side of the block wall, making this block wall entirely on our property (aka, our block wall on our deck). The “eyesore” comes out almost to the inside (our side) of the block wall.

You may be thinking I’m not very happy about this. Well guess what? You’re right.

But on a happier note … Who’s up for Nati’s at 11:30???

Blogged on my iPad with LOVE!


My class last night – Restorative & Pranayama. The last class of each month at the home studio is dedicated to inversions, chest openings, and learning how to release, relax, go inward & focus on the breath. This pose is called Supta Baddhakonasana (reclined bound angle pose). My students go home after a class like this completely blissed-out and stress free.

Jen sent me the next photo – Maya & Sparty’s first Padres game (I think last night?). I wonder if Maya also got to taste cotton candy???


Today’s my Friday!!! Woo Hoo.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Hand holding siblings

Yesterday – Maya and Sparty hold hands while trying to decide what activities to plan for the day. Maybe just lay around in bed all day???

Friday – Alo at the park. I wore him out pretty good.


Today is just another day at the office. I can think of a lot more things I’d rather be doing. But it’s hump day for me…

For those of you who subscribe by email, your email will show the blog posting. What it won’t show is the featured image at the top of the post. In other words, if you’re viewing this from your email, you won’t be able to see the picture of Maya and Sparty at the top. You’ll have to click on the blog link to see it.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!


I’m in LA this weekend for a Manouso Manos workshop and I ran into one of my good friends, Tom. I hadn’t seen Tom in a couple years because he moved away to go to school. You may remember him coming for Thanksgiving dinner a couple years ago and walking in the kitchen door to a rendition of “For he’s a jolly good fellow.” You may also recognize his face from commercials. Here’s our selfie.


I’m staying at the Marriott Residence Inn using Akuch’s “Friends & Family” perk. I’ve got a great room – a studio with a full kitchen.

I recalled seeing something online mentioning Avenue of the Stars isn’t too far away, so after I showered I got my walking shoes on and went downstairs and checked with a clerks who told me it’s only about a 25 minute walk. Doable.

So off into the sunset I went along Pico where I was told if I kept going, I’d run into it. Hmmm … About 45 minutes later I found myself crossing Westwood and passing the Westwood mall. I got a little concerned I may have walked too far and missed a turn so I checked my phone and found I still had over a mile to walk. UGH.

It was HOT, I was in jeans, my knee was aching and I didn’t feel like walking another 20 minutes, which meant I’d be walking more at the Avenue of the Stars and then another hour+ back to the hotel.

I turned around, took the only photo I have to show for my trek (featured above), stopped at the Ralphs ½ block from the hotel, got myself some sushi and bottle of wine, and went back to the hotel and watched soccer, le Tour de France, and World Cup Volleyball.

The US mens volleyball team beat Germany (but Germany’s currently in the top spot in the Tour), and will be playing Poland today if you’re interested. The Poland team beat another US team in its semi match. I’m not sure what time the game’s on, but it’s on NBCSN.

This morning, going downstairs for a free breakfast buffet, and if I have time, maybe DRIVE to Avenue of the Stars on my way to the workshop which starts at 9. I’ll be home later this afternoon to play with my new Clamcase that arrived yesterday!

Blogged from LA on Amma’s iPad

Thank you!

Had great fun with Alo yesterday.

This one speaks for itself (pun intended).

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Comic-Con sightings

Beware while traveling around SD this weekend. You may spot some oddities like the blue bearded beached whale above, or the green haired weirdo below.

Submit your sighting photos to me for posting!

I wanted to post a video Akuch sent me of Alo climbing the stairs, but unfortunately, there’s some sort of glitch sending videos from the Samsung to the iPhone. I’ll have to play with the video on the big computer and see if I can post it tomorrow …

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Technical Difficulties Remedied

YAY! Up & running!!

I stayed up till 11:30 Tuesday night trying to fix this bad boy. Ok, so 11:30 might not seem like very late to some people, but when the alarm is set to go off at 4am, 11:30 is LATE! I suffered from that lack of sleep yesterday at work, and I had a really hard time driving home from work trying to keep my eyes open. The fact that traffic was stop & go north of the merge and it took me twice as long to get home didn’t help. But when I got home from work yesterday I was able to get both the iPad and iPhone Apps to work. All right. Too much information, I know. But I feel better getting that off my chest.

Jen sent me the above “Mommy & Maya” selfie yesterday. Sleeping Beauty!! It’s a big deal when Maya sleeps.

On another note. I don’t remember if I provided this information in a prior post, but for those of you interested in keeping up with how Evan’s doing, here’s the link to his blog:

Evan doesn’t post daily, and not even weekly for that matter. But he does post when there’s something significant to share. He’s still coming into the office almost daily and working most-time (something in between full-time and part-time). Although he’s lost a considerable amount of weight, he looks pretty good, and his spirits seem to be pretty good, and he hasn’t lost his great sense of humor, quick retorts and zeal for enjoying those things he enjoys – his family, especially his grandson, reading, walking, dining out, and the arts.

Today, Nati’s with Bill! Let me know if we should count you in.

Oh, and when I was trying to figure out the WordPress glitch, I found & loaded a new feature that allows you to subscribe to my blog. If you subscribe, you’ll get an email notifying you every time I post something new… if you so care. See top right hand corner of the blog page. If you’re reading this from your mobile device, the email subscription option may be at the bottom of the page – scroll all the way to the bottom.

Blogged on Amma’s iPad (YAY!!) with LOVE!

Technical difficulties

I’m sorry … I’ve had technical difficulties posting from iPhone and iPad the past 2 days which is why nothing’s been posted. I’m at the iMac now hoping this will post. Otherwise I may have to change to a different blog App.

I took the sunset photo Sunday. They sky was so beautiful!

Here are some Alo selfies from Monday.

Alo selfie 4

Alo selfie 3

Alo selfie 2

Alo Selfie

Alo Selfie

We dropped in Sunday morning to visit the 4T’s. Here’s Ron & Sparty.IMG_7747

Maya was having a little breakfast.

I can’t wait for my work week to end so I can do it all over again – only one more day left.

Blogged on Amma’s big iMac with LOVE!