Monthly Archives: March 2018

Field Trips

Above – What are they looking at?

… these baby doves nesting in our patio.

The babies flew away and now a new nesting pair has taken their place.


Happiness is trash day!

Robb and the boys two weeks ago – The first photo is “create with nature pathway” at (I think) Redwood Regional Park. Beautiful place.

Tree hugger.

Below – Maya and Sparty at their t-ball game Saturday.

I’m putting together an entertaining video I’ll share at a later date.

Bats in the belfry …

That’s Sparty hanging from the bar at gymnastics.

And here’s Maya thinking it’s really funny to be winning in Chutes and Ladders.

And now the good news. Mom was discharged from The Vi (care facility) Thursday. She’s doing very well and managing to move around the house (on the main floor only) without assistance. She got a pretty new blue walker and Bruce installed a wand shower head and grab bars in her shower. We stocked her kitchen with pre-made salads and easy to heat up and eat meals, and all is well at the home front. With “90” just around the corner, we’re looking forward to the BIG birthday party!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

One step at a time

Above – How many parrots can you find enjoying loquats? Taken last week while walking bear.

Below – Top photo was taken in the hospital I think the day after the fall. The rest are at the Vi of La Jolla where great progress is being made.

This is Mitchell, hairdresser at the Vi. The physical therapists are Sara and Chris.

Yesterday we took Mom on her first outing to get another X-ray and a doctors appointment. The PA seemed pleased with her progress and we’re hoping she’ll get to go home soon.

Robb calls this “happy hour.” The kids are enjoying their food, including clams and dessert!

Maya and Sparty are on a Pt. Loma Little League t-ball team coached by Ron. Maya’s the only girl on the team (note the pink shoes, sleeves and batter’s helmet).

Bruce took these photos at their first game, which I missed because I was in a workshop. I changed my teaching schedule the next Saturday to make it to the game but found out at the last minute the game time changed and it was subsequently cancelled due to rain.

Only in t-ball do all the players (including the runner on the opposing team) fight for the ball. LOL!

I’m crossing my fingers the weather cooperates and I’ll get to see them play Saturday. My apologies to my students who will be getting a schedule change for a later class. After all, the grandkids are #1 in my book!

Coming full circle from when our kids were growing up … we spent many hours at the fields for both little league and soccer – Bruce coached and I was team mom for every team the kids played on (2 teams each season), and in the later years I also coached soccer (kids and adults).

Kudos to Ron for stepping up to coach. Your kids will always remember this and you’re also doing a great service for your Pt. Loma community. Way to go!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone X with LOVE!!

Where to Begin …

Above – yard art spotted while out walking Bear.


Just when things were getting good – Yoga Therapy in La Mesa a few weeks ago.


Sick day …

Well Day …

Making muffins …

When the going gets tough, the tough gets tougher. This my friends is a broken pelvis. It’s hard to see unless you know exactly what to look for, but the left side of the pubis is broken in two places and the left ischial is, well, crushed. That’s on the right as you look at it.

That’s not my pelvis btw. It belongs to the one and only Monette Kelly who is resting and healing at the care facility at Vi at La Jolla. This happened almost two weeks ago (2/19) as she literally flew through the patio door at Nati’s. The part of the story she likes best is having 8 handsome firemen and paramedics hovering and taking care of her. The good news is this morning she walked (with support) 45 feet and this afternoon another 90 feet. She’s getting PT every day and is making great strides. I’m crossing my fingers with confidence she’ll be home for her 90th birthday party next month.

This calls for supported backbends.

Even Ziggy’s gets into the action.

Robb, Alo & Kando got these light-up shoes for Sparty & Maya for Christmas. They’re really cool. They charge by USB so the lights can stay on continuously and there’s a button so the colors can change.

Maya’s also wearing a top I bought for her in Pune a couple years ago. She’s a sweetie even though she was making faces at me!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE from Vi at La Jolla.