Monthly Archives: December 2014

“Babe, bring me another beer.”

Alo enjoys the luxury of reclining in front of the fireplace at his new digs.

In the meantime, Bruce and I went to the Natural History Museum yesterday and saw the King Tut exhibit – quite interesting. Along the walk to the Museum we passed what I believe may be the tree planted in memory of my dad, Jack Kelly (circa 1977). I have a photo somewhere of Janni, Jamie, and me (pregnant with Ron) holding Robb. I need to dig it up to compare to see if I got the right tree in the photo below.


I got notification the family calendars should arrive on or around January 9, so I’ll be making calendar deliveries soon!

It’s cold outside!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!!

Pizza Nova with the grandkids

I took this video a couple weeks ago at Pizza Nova. It’s cute how Maya and Alo communicate. They’re going to miss each other.

Now, just for fun, check out this YouTube video. It made me laugh & I believe you will too.

I finished the family calendar today. It took me about 8 hours total to get it done and I think it’s going to be the best one yet. The theme this year is the grandkids. It’s pretty much all about them. I should receive it before January 15, and I’ll be distributing them when they arrive. Working on it brought back a lot of memories of the past year. There are so many cute pictures. I can’t wait to see the final product.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Fair well

Ernie and other toys await their departure, and an empty high chair evidencing the loneliness and quiet house after Robb, Akuch & Alo left yesterday.

Robb texted us at 11pm last night that they made it to their new home safely.

Along the way, they stopped for lunch at Costco (must be a pregnant thing), Alo wearing his t-shirt representing the fact that he’s San Francisco bound.


Robb just sent these photos of Alo enjoying the beautiful park in their neighborhood.



We will miss them more than I can explain, but how fortunate we are to be living in this day & age where we can stay in touch so easily by email, texting, blogging and FaceTime and Skype. I can’t wait to FT Alo and show him what’s going on out his window!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!!


Had fun with family & soup! The little ones sure enjoyed themselves. I suppose I should have/could have taken some photos, but I didn’t. I am glad to have the task of making baklava done though!

I’m not so sure about the OB Holiday Tree this year, but I do like the fact that this orchid likes the cold weather. It really is thriving. I know I posted a photo of it a couple weeks ago, but it’s got more blooms now than ever. We have a couple more orchids with buds waiting to bloom too.

Back to work tomorrow, but only for 2 days, then almost 2 weeks off.

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Robb’s here

I took these photos when he was here last time – on my birthday, actually …

Sunset photo from one of my walks.

Some of my beautiful students (back to front – Janet, Vanessa, Natalia) in Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose).


Today – Nati’s with Bill a little early so he can make it to his doctors appoint on time.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!!

Happy Birthday Bill!

I hope you have a nice day and look forward to celebrating with you next weekend when Robb’s in town!!

You’re the BEST, and I love you very much!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!