Monthly Archives: February 2015

Yoga Classes

When they least expect it, I sneak in some photos of my students.  Below, my corporate class (I teach every Tuesday at noon).  At times the room is so packed we have to move the conference room table into the building lobby.  Here, students are doing Utkatasana (fierce and powerful pose).  The corporate class is a really fun one to teach.  Mid day, everyone is ready for a break, and a little boot camp!  Most of these students work in the (medical office building) Property Management side of the office where tensions get very high.

At home a couple Saturday mornings ago, students in Tadasana (mountain pose).  Currently three of the students in the photo below are out of the country … Brazil, Russia and Peru!

Below, those same students preparing to go up into Virabhadrasana 3 (warrior pose).  The pose requires the practitioner to extend forward, then finally lift the back leg off the floor.  I didn’t take a photo of the final pose so I wouldn’t interfere with their balance (it requires a lot of balance and stability), but in the final pose, the standing leg is perpendicular (& straight) while the back leg, trunk and arms are horizontal (legs and arms moving away from each other).

From last Saturday’s backbend class, below, Savasana (corpse pose).  This is the final resting pose at the end of each class.  In this Savasana, students have their calves supported on a chair, which releases the low back after doing backbends.  I absolutely love teaching backbends – they’re fun and invigorating!  Contrary to what most people think, backbends are key to relieving low back pain.  It’s the backbend poses that have eased much of my chronic pain due to the three herniated discs in my low back.  The key is understanding how backbends work and keeping the sacrum long.  I’d hate to think what shape my back would be in right now if I hadn’t found yoga.  Sorry the photo is dark, but I turn the lights out and close the blinds so the students can completely relax before heading out to their weekend hustle.

The next two photos are from Tuesday evening’s Pranayama class.  Prana = energy, breath; Yama = restraint, control.  Pranayama is breath/energy control.  The class began with some restorative forward bends (here Supported Uttanasana – forward bend) to calm the mind for withdrawing the senses to prepare for concentration and meditation on the breath.  The chairs make a great prop for many of the poses  and in so many different ways.  I offer one Pranayama class a month.  Students leave this class with soft eyes, a calm face and an overall feeling of peace.

It’s the small intimate classes and a great group of dedicated students that make my classes successful. 

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Cotton Candy

I never really cared for cotton candy, but evidently the pregnant Akuch and her little buddy seem to enjoy it!

It was nice having the family for dinner and being able to enjoy the kids, and them enjoying each other. 

Little Mr. Smiley Face:

Ron must have gotten up for something because he’s missing from his spot.  But nobody seems to notice, nor did they notice I was taking the photo.

One out of two…  I finally got them to look, but couldn’t get them to smile.  They were having fun though! 

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

The Zoo

Turtle at the reptile enclosure.

Crossing the bridge while avoiding the water shooting over head.

Alo wouldn’t go near the gorilla but Maya didn’t have a problem posing for the photo.

The tortoise wasn’t so scary.

Petting corral.


The lion.

Maya and Auntie Akuch.

Somebody’s eating for two! A churro and Nibs!

This was pretty gross. Maya explained that if the camel would walk around to the side, we could wipe its mouth.

Maya excavating for bones.



Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Goodbye for now

It was so good to have Robb Akuch & Alo, even for the short time they were here. Alo has acquired many more words in his vocabulary since we saw him last, & he’s growing up so fast. I hope to be able to make a trip to visit them in April or May, and then again in July while I’m in SF for a workshop.

Here’s a Pappa/Alo farewell photo.

And some Alo selfies.




Bear wanted in on the selfies and snuck in a goodbye kiss.

Here are some Alo/Amma selfies.



We’ll miss them, but look forward to a weekly Skype!


I have more photos to share on a future post.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Robb Akuch & Alo are Southbound!

And sending photos along the way.



The ones above are from the Monterrey Aquarium.

On the home front, I finalized my airline ticket purchase yesterday. There’s no turning back now. Pune, here I come! I selected a flight with the least stops and shortest travel time – 1 stop (Dubai); 21 hours total travel. I’ve been in touch with some friends I met in 2013 who I’ll be hooking up with during my time there – 1 from Australia (Jill, who will be staying in the same flat); Aubrey from the UK, staying in the same building and Kathleen from Milwaukee, staying in the same flat with Aubrey. They all made appearances in my Blog in 2013, and you will be seeing them again during this trip.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Winter Blooms & Sparty walks!

Ron took this short footage yesterday of Sparty walking. The music in the background is perfect for the event!

Such a cutie!

We have some beautiful orchids in winter bloom. I took these photos this morning.






Ho hum … another beautiful sunny San Diego winter Santa Ana. Now if we could just find a good water source …

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Happy Valentine’s Day & Progress

… and happy anniversary to my honey. 41 years! It’s hard to believe that much time has gone by, but it has.

Here’re the latest photos of the progress being made. The first photo is the bathroom. The tub/shower was moved to make more room.

The second photo is looking from the living room toward the dining room/kitchen area. With the walls removed, it’s a lot more spacious.

This last photo is from the dining area into the kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen is going to be so nice!


Bruce has not only done a LOT of work down there, but he’s also overseen tons of progress, from demo, to hauling of junk, to concrete & brick removal, to having the guys level dirt & lay bricks in the shedded area and replacing bricks along the pathway where concrete was removed, to framing, to daily trips to Home Depot. He’s also coordinated meeting with various trades, getting quotes, doing research, drawing plans, and so on.

I can’t take credit for much except supporting him, because he’s working a lot! In fact he’s working there today … on a Saturday, on our anniversary. I helped out by meeting with him and the kitchen designer a couple times to help come up with a floor plan, cabinets and countertops. My biggest job is to be the financier, trying to keep track of paperwork & receipts, and making sure the funds are available so everyone can get paid. I suppose that’s a good job for me. Today I drove down to bring a caulking gun and to give the window guy a deposit so he can order the windows. So I came in handy …

Ron spent a couple days this week running electrical wires & I think he’ll be back next week to finish that up. The framing will be done, hopefully this next week, and then the insulation and drywall can get done. After that, Nino can tape, then the flooring can get done.

The kitchen cabinets will arrive in another 10 days. I can’t wait to see how they look installed!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!


I ended up with the stomach flu. I haven’t had the stomach flu in ages and forgot how it knocks you down. Throwing up, fever, nauseous, back ache.

No fever today, but I lost 5 pounds and am very lightheaded. I ate some breakfast and hoping I’m going to be able to get up & be normal by mid day. That may be high hopes but I’m planning on teaching my 2 classes later today. I just have to get this fog out of my head and the lump out of my throat. Needless to say, no Nati’s for me today, & no gymnastics this morning with Maya 🙁

On the northern front, here are some photos of Alo.

Watch out Pappa. I think Alo might want to take over your contracting business!

Alo knows the names of all these animals on his closet door.

Alo with his friends. It makes me happy to see he’s settled in and has plenty of friends! It makes me even happier to know they’re coming to visit next week!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

The weekend – a sleepover

We had Maya from 3pm Saturday to Monday morning. A lot of playing went on.

And downright cuteness!

Some spaghetti & meatballs & Caesar salad.

And bath time fun.

Hair brushing – it took me about 20 minutes to brush her hair out, but she was very patient & sat still for me the whole time.

This was the pretty hairdo Sunday morning.

And then shortly after lunch (with a tangerine smile) …

Hey!! What happened to that pretty hairdo???

Sparty arrived after breakfast on Sunday, and then early afternoon both Maya and Sparty found a good spot to rest!


And then more playtime.




Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!