
Heading back toward Bangalore, we spent two nights in Thiruvanmalai, the holy abode of Lord Arunachaleswar, the Agni (fire aspect) of Lord Shiva. Here we visited the Maharishi Tamana Ashram and attend the ritual and abhishekam at the Shiva Temple, which sits at the foot of the sacred mountain Arunachala.

We also shopped (say it isn’t so!), hiked the mountain in the rain, and then took a rickshaw tour around the mountain.

The road to Thiruvanmalai

Arunachala mountain from a distance

In Thiruvanmalai

At the Kashmiri’s shop
Tight squeeze in the rickshaw including Gopal, our new friend and driver (L-R Gopal Gloria Peg Joanne Me Leela Mimi)

Climbing the mountain we saw lots of monkeys.

View of Thiruvanmalai from the mountain
The hike warranted chai

And then there were more monkeys.

This one looks pregnant
How many monkeys can you find in the above photo?
Cow in the road

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with Love 💕

Sidewalk art

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