Monthly Archives: June 2016

San Francisco Zoo

Photos from Robb & Akuch taken earlier this week at the San Francisco Zoo. Word has it they’re driving down today and will arrive later this evening.

And Sparty … Amma succeeds in wearing him out again. He was totally passed out when we pulled up to the house at 2pm after gymnastics and he slept until 5! I put him on the bed and took his shoes off, he opened his eyes briefly to take a look at his surroundings and then out he went, gymnastics sticker on his foot and all.

Here’s Ron hard at work …Looks like a tough dress code.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

More on Tractors

After the Street Fair Saturday we paid a visit to the tractors parked in front of our house. There are still tractors, tractor parts, piles of dirt and gravel, pipes and other miscellaneous items and equipment lining our street.

And a video with Ron and the kids of some tractor silliness. As you can see, we’re all making the very best of this situation!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Zipline / OB Street Fair

Above – The walk home wasn’t a “walk” for these two tired kids. Ron got his workout for the day.

I ran into my good friend and student, Maribeth, with her OBYoga water bottle.And we saw Kiss (cover band).But most importantly the kids rode the ZipLine. They’re fearless. Sparty amazed me that at 2 years old he climbed right up that ladder and allowed somebody he didn’t know to strap him in, and down he went. Twice. I didn’t see any other kids anywhere near his age doing this. In fact, Maya was probably the next youngest.

They loved it!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

The Boys

Above – Monster Truck

Below – Can you guess where Alo and Kando are?

The future’s so bright…

This long video (over 8 minutes) gives an insight on what goes on during gymnastics class – bars, trampoline, free time, races & bubbles …

It makes me tired too …

Today – OB Street Fair!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!


Above – Skyping last night with Robb, Akuch, Alo & Kando. Everyone seemed happy and it was nice to hear Akuch’s giggling.

Alo is showing off the dinosaur he painted blue and purple.

In this video, Kando waves, says Pappa (maybe), Alo becomes bashful and hides behind the couch but then finally sings happy birthday to Pappa.

Ernie had to take a bath and was drying, which explains why he’s not in the photos or video. Evidently Robb left the body oil on Alo’s dresser and while no one was looking, Alo lotioned up all his stuffed animals and other critters (I’ve been in his room and there are a lot of them!). I suppose that called for Robb having to “Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere.” This reminds me of the time I went to Janni’s house to either visit or babysit and little John, probably the same age as Alo is now at the time, had dumped an entire jar of baby powder all over his bedroom. It was a mess!

Robb was telling us about the cover they got for the wagon so he sent some photos to show how cool it is. He said it was 95 there yesterday, so having that shade must be really nice for the kids.

Sweetness …

If you’re counting down with me, they’ll be in San Diego in less than two weeks. I can’t wait to see them again.

Hornet’s Nest Update

The good news is the hornet’s nests were cleared out yesterday. Two of them, at least. The bad news is I was told there’s still one up there but it’s not interfering with the installation. After the man in the white overalls and scary head covering left, the guys saw more hornets flying into what appeared to be another nest, not too close to where they’re working so they didn’t have to stop again.

Look … there are still a couple live ones. And look at all the eggs.

The solar guys were able to get back on the roof and get moving on the solar panel installation.

The above photo was taken mid-day yesterday, and the below photo was taken mid-day today. The panels are going up. They should be done tomorrow.

Today the solar guys were here (some working inside and some working outside), Maria was here cleaning, we had the grandkids, and the alley is being torn up and all the tractors and tractor parts, piles of dirt and big concrete sewer parts are taking up all the parking places on our street. It was kind of a busy day. Luckily for me, Sparty passed out in the car on the way home from gymnastics and didn’t wake up when I took him out of the car and put him in bed leaving me to practice with Maya watching a movie (among other things) in the yoga studio with me. As you can see from the photo below, however, my practice didn’t go along without some obstacles … [In Gomukhasana with Ziggy making himself at home on my lap.]

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and iMac with LOVE!

Hornet’s Nest

Above – Baker Electric workers began working on the new solar equipment at our house yesterday. The roof workers didn’t stay long after they discovered two hornet nests. Yikes! Now we’re waiting on pest control.

More Father’s Day fun.

Dancing to live music at Liberty Station.The music was worthy of a clap!In jail.You’d think it was Kid’s Day.


Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

A Day at Sea

… ok, maybe it was only an hour, and it was the bay not the sea, but it was awesome!

After Ron picked the kids up for Father’s Day, we fed them breakfast, cleaned them up, got their hair brushed and off we went on a “Sea & Land Adventure” on one of those bus/boats called the “Seal” you may have seen traveling about on Harbor Drive. We’ve never been on the tour, and I can’t believe we waited so long. On probably the hottest day of the year, we got a cool breeze coming off the bay and took a tour to the southeast of Shelter Island which included a “drive by” of the bait barge where there were tons of sea lions basking in the sun and frolicking in the bay. Sparty, as you can see from the photo above, slept through half the trip, but he woke up just after the turn around so he got to see the sea lions. The bait barge was a hit. Pappa made it until about 10 minutes to the boat ramp before he started feeling a little sick. Luckily for everyone on board, we made it back on land without incident!

With these two beautiful kids by his side, Ron couldn’t have had a happier Father’s Day.

Father’s Day Dinner … “Tomahawks” (something typical Bruce would get at Costco).

Classic …Don’t worry, we also had a good salad and bbq’d salmon.

The only thing missing was Great Grandma. Yesterday wasn’t a particularly good day for her, but I brought her a hot plate, enough for two meals, which included a slice of cheesecake. I don’t recall her ever turning down an outing at our house for a good meal. Although she was missed, we had a nice time and both Bruce and Ron had a good Father’s Day. The kids were great and the day turned out perfect.

I have lots of other photos to share in the coming days.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone/MacBook with LOVE!


Happy Fathers Day!

Above – Cheesecake!!

Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there, but most particularly to the fathers in my life- Bruce, Robb & Ron. I love all of you very much.

Then, amidst the turmoil life brings, there’s always tractors!!

Our neighbor sent me this photo yesterday of his dog, Nestor. He had no idea we’ve (well, really, I’ve) also been having fun with the new additions to the neighborhood.But no worries, I had one of my own I took while on our walk yesterday to fire right back at him!Then I couldn’t resist – What can I say? I’m just a silly Amma!

I hope your day is filled with … Tractors!

In memory of my own father. Dad, I miss you every day.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Flowers for Great Grandma

Above – Friends Sparty, Valerie, Eva & Maya after gymnastics.

More tractor fun below. We’re taking advantage of the infrastructure work being done up our alley. There’s never a shortage of tractors!

When Ron came to get the kids he joined in on some yoga fun while the Sparts took the longest nap in history. I wore him out in a big way at music and gymnastics.

Maya picked out these beautiful flowers for Great Grandma (from the whole family).
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Urgent Care

Last Sunday Ron spent the day with Sparty at urgent care (he was up all night with all those icky things related to bad stomach ache). Poor little guy … But he’s feeling much better now.

Meanwhile, Maya was unaffected by it all – she and I walked to the park, stopped for some photo shoots on the tractors along the way, and spent much of the day playing in the yard. We even had a picnic lunch with Pappa. 

Ziggy and Hogan got in on the action too.

Mom got home from the hospital yesterday and is doing well. Time will tell what will happen with her eyesight, but there’s already been a great deal of improvement. For now no driving until doctor’s permission. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes. She’s got her phone and is accepting calls!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!