First impressions

I arrived at the Bangalore airport at 5:15 am Sunday. A driver took me to Bellur, along with two others who arrived on different flights.

I have had rides with a lot of crazy drivers in India but this one takes the prize!. He was not only the craziest driver, but about half way to Bellur he decided it was necessary to blast his stereo system for 3 over-50s women, showing off his incredible woofer system. The bass was so loud the whole car was shaking.

Backseat view on drive to Bellur.

I took a video but my phone’s WiFi is not allowing it to download.

The Yoga Center is surrounded with beautiful views of the countryside. I haven’t taken many photos yet, but here are a few.

Patanjali outside the entrance
View overlooking the countryside from the premises.
View overlooking the countryside from the premises.
Covered patio dining hall.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with love from Bellur.

7 thoughts on “First impressions

  1. Robb

    Glad you arrived safely. Alo says India looks nice and beautiful. Kando likes how driver seats are on the right. It looks like you are in the countryside. Are you at a different place than the last time you went there? Are there any of the same friends you meet before? Love Kando, Alo, and Robb.

    1. cherethomas Post author

      I am in a different place in India. Last time I was in Pune. I am currently in Bellur, but leaving tomorrow to go to Chennai for a pilgrimage through southern India. All different places. There will be lots to see and good photo opportunities. All different friends too.

  2. Sharon Maruca

    What a wonderful opportunity Chere. I’m so happy to see your India blogs again. I’m looking forward to seeing all the photos of India through your eyes. I will probably never have an opportunity to see Belur and all the wonderful things Guruji built there for his village and all of us Yogis. So thank you for sharing this with us. Sharon Maruca

  3. Jill Stone

    Thanks for wonderful update Chere.
    So glad you made it to all destinations safely even though you might be slightly deaf now from the drive.

    Photos are great!! Have an incredible journey.
    Peace & lots of love,

  4. jill farrelly

    Lovely to hear you are in Belur and yes I can imagine the driver blasting his stereo!! looks like beautiful views and more lovely rain.

  5. Adam

    Loud car-shattering bass stereo systems is definitely the way to roll on India’s mean highways! I remember being unable to sleep on some of the late night(!?!) buses in Sri Lanka for the same reason!

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