So Saree

The schedule here has been quite demanding and the weather hot and sticky. However we had a reprieve late yesterday afternoon and evening with lots of thunder, lightening and rain. Fortunately the rain didn’t interfere with our activities.

To be in the place of our Guruji’s birthplace and to be practicing such an auspicious and ancient YOG is quite an honor.

Here are some photos of the campus grounds (more of these to come).

Elephant outside practice hall
Practice hall entrance
A peek inside the practice hall
Family and staff living quarters
More family and staff living quarters
Bananas right outside our room
Another view from our window
Burrowing owl looking from dining hall

Preparation for pitru paksha ritual

The biggest highlight of this leg of the trip was the pitru paksha ritual, which is done every year on the last day of pitru paksha.

We were required to bring and wear sarees (pronounced “sorry”) to the ritual.

Yours truly
My beloved teachers (L-Gitte Becshgaard & R-Gloria Goldberg)
The whole saree group

This has been a true bonding experience. There’s more to the saree story and ritual that I’ll save for an upcoming blog post.

Stay tuned for more from Bellur.

Blogged from Bellur with love.

Heart courtesy of Silas

4 thoughts on “So Saree

  1. Jill Farrelly

    Thanks so much Chere for your wonderful pictures and insights into your time so far in Bellur. Thinking of you on your journey.

    Jill xx

  2. Jamie

    So much fun you all look to be having. I love your outfit. It’s what your described to me while I was there❤️ enjoy your time and the yoga teachings.


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