
Above – Alo playing in snow in Lebec on the way back to Walnut Creek. I got a text from Akuch they made it home safely around 10pm.

Below – Cousins Sparty, Maya & Alo “so happy together” on Christmas Day. They were playing and I said “Hey, how about coming over and sitting on the stairs so I can get a picture of you together.” They stopped what they were doing (very important stuff) and did exactly what I asked. Impressive!

Yesterday morning Ron texted this photo to us and wrote “Silas woke up early this morning and got into Jens purse.” I think Elmo made him do it …

Meanwhile, back at the house Kando waited patiently while his mom and dad packed up to go home.

Brothers – I will miss them (and their parents too). Kando is a really good baby although he still wakes up every couple hours to eat and only breast feeds so Akuch stays pretty busy with him. Alo is bigger every time we see him, and so smart. He’s always talking, singing and getting into everything – very inquisitive.

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