Bits and Pieces

Above (I hope I didn’t already post this photo) – In Alandi, two women talking. Notice how the woman on the left is squatting and the one on the right is sitting on the ground, both comfortably and naturally, and they aren’t young!

In this photo it appears these three men are merely walking together.

At a closer look, the man on the left has his arm around the man in the middle, and the middle one and one on the right are holding hands. It could be the outside ones are helping the middle man out, but it’s not uncommon to see men showing this kind of public affection. It’s normal here.

This is how Nana relaxes while waiting for us to finish whatever it is we’re doing wherever he dropped us off. In this case, I was taking the “organized chaos” video at the bottom of this post.


One last selfie with Cristy and Chris before they left last week.

Then someone walked by and offered to take a “real” photo. 

These are the new shirts I had made with the logo on the back.  

ManYee and her luggage squeezing in the elevator as she left a few days ago. Jill and I now know who made all the messes in the kitchen. Busted!

Winnie (from DC) and me at the Shraddhanjali.

On our way back from Alandi – views from the rickshaw. 

Ya gotta love Nana! He knows how much I love animal sightings so he pulled over for me to get this up close & personal cow photo. I didn’t even have to ask him to.

Here’s the video I mentioned above. It’s a two minute video I took at a fairly busy intersection. I’ve been at this intersection when there’s been a lot more traffic than this, so this is actually fairly moderate.

This morning I took my final class with Geetaji. The time ran over, so the class ended up being 2 1/2 hours long. During class she worked with several people working toward upliftedness in Sirsasana (headstand), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (full arm balance/hand stand) and Swastikasana (seated cross-legged pose), then a very nice Pranayama session following a long Sarvangasana (shoulder stand). Most of the August westerners have already gone home, so there was plenty of space in class and in the practice hall this afternoon. I’m guessing Monday’s 7am Prashant’s class won’t be very full either. What a nice way to go out!

Geetaji: “I’m not just talking about taking the spine in. I’m talking about taking the skin to the muscle and the muscle to the bones.” “You have to work this way”

Tomorrow I plan on observing the 9am kids’ beginner class. I’ve really enjoyed following them this month. Then after having leftovers for lunch, Nana is picking Jill and me up for our last outing with him.

On the Homefront 

Alo and Ernie with their baby brother, Kando    

Awe … 

Blogged on Amma’s MacBook from iNdia with LOVE!