The kids… What else?

We went to help Ron with the kids last night because Jen was out of town. Big help I was … Maya wanted chocolate milk, so I fixed it for her. She didn’t want me to use the smaller cup and pointed to a larger one. So I grabbed the bigger cup, mixed the chocolate milk, put the lid on & handed it to her. Next thing you know, Maya’s standing in a puddle of chocolate milk. Evidently there’s a little plastic piece that belongs in the lid that wasn’t there. So it was a hole.

We sat outside for a little while and Maya wore her helmet while she pushed her little pink lawnmower around the yard. Pretty adorable.

Then she decided to take an outdoor shower fully clothed …

Then I undressed and mummified her.



Bruce & Sparty …

This morning, day 5 of a day in the life – Akuch feeding Alo breakfast.


Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!