Cherry Picking and Other Good Stuff

Above & below – Alo and Kando cherry picking last weekend. Together with Robb they picked 11 pounds of cherries!

Amma and Sparty on a walk to the end of the pier.

Annie’s All Stars.

… and someone who couldn’t get enough of them!

This is Alo’s class activity. Alo was really good with the sand. The rock, not so good …

Maya and Sparty doing sit-ups at gymnastics. Sparty’s on the far left, Maya 3rd from the left.

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo. This is how Coach Laura keeps the kids in line. Maya makes sure she’s in front. Every time.

Amma and Pappa took these two for FroYo.

Last weekend – Alo and Kando at the water park.

What kind of daughter takes a picture of her mom on the surgery table? That would be me. Don’t worry. It was a small skin cancer and it looks like she’s going to be just fine after the bruising goes away and the stitches are taken out.

That’s about it. There are more. There are always more and there’s always a next time.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and MacBook with LOVE!