Sparty’s Big Day

Above – Group photo! There was a big turnout for Sparty’s 3rd birthday party.

Our day started with a short visit from Ron and the kids to pick up a couple things for the party. The kids didn’t waste any time moving bar stools around so they could get up close and personal with “The Birthday Cake.”

The bounce house! I even went in it for a while and had great fun bouncing and sliding with the little ones. I think there’s a video out there somewhere …

The birthday boy.

Maya the Bee.

Face painting!

Minnie Mouse.

This is Maya’s friend, Eva, who lives up the street from her.

Street tacos were the order for Seis de Mayo!

I guess a couple hours of bouncing around will do a little one in.

Make that two little ones (that’s Henry in there) …

Then there was “Pin the Tail-Pipe.”

Here’s Maya pinning the tail-pipe somewhere far, far away from where it should go.

This is Ron’s friend, Chase, handling the blindfolds. It was so much fun watching him. He took over the job and I can tell you why. He loves kids! He started with the smallest ones and worked his way to the older kids, situating the blindfold, then lifting it just enough so they could see where to put the tailpipe, then he’d pull the blindfold back down and direct them toward the motorcycle. He’s a big guy but very calm, soft spoken and gentle with the kids – such a nice guy. Those are his two sons in the photo below.

Sisters who talk and laugh alike.

Here’s Eva’s mom and little sister Valerie.

There was some very serious bean bag tossing.

Ron had some trouble lighting the candle because the wind decided to pick up at the wrong time. It never did light.


And some good ole hearty laughs!

Piñata time.

Thank God for the big kids coming in to finally bust up the piñata.


Pirates booty and a happy birthday boy.

The party was a blast – Lots of things to do, good food (& cake), very nice people and a lot of sweet, respectful kids.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and MacBook with LOVE!