Where to Begin …

Above – yard art spotted while out walking Bear.


Just when things were getting good – Yoga Therapy in La Mesa a few weeks ago.


Sick day …

Well Day …

Making muffins …

When the going gets tough, the tough gets tougher. This my friends is a broken pelvis. It’s hard to see unless you know exactly what to look for, but the left side of the pubis is broken in two places and the left ischial is, well, crushed. That’s on the right as you look at it.

That’s not my pelvis btw. It belongs to the one and only Monette Kelly who is resting and healing at the care facility at Vi at La Jolla. This happened almost two weeks ago (2/19) as she literally flew through the patio door at Nati’s. The part of the story she likes best is having 8 handsome firemen and paramedics hovering and taking care of her. The good news is this morning she walked (with support) 45 feet and this afternoon another 90 feet. She’s getting PT every day and is making great strides. I’m crossing my fingers with confidence she’ll be home for her 90th birthday party next month.

This calls for supported backbends.

Even Ziggy’s gets into the action.

Robb, Alo & Kando got these light-up shoes for Sparty & Maya for Christmas. They’re really cool. They charge by USB so the lights can stay on continuously and there’s a button so the colors can change.

Maya’s also wearing a top I bought for her in Pune a couple years ago. She’s a sweetie even though she was making faces at me!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE from Vi at La Jolla.