Field Trips

Above – What are they looking at?

… these baby doves nesting in our patio.

The babies flew away and now a new nesting pair has taken their place.


Happiness is trash day!

Robb and the boys two weeks ago – The first photo is “create with nature pathway” at (I think) Redwood Regional Park. Beautiful place.

Tree hugger.

Below – Maya and Sparty at their t-ball game Saturday.

I’m putting together an entertaining video I’ll share at a later date.

Bats in the belfry …

That’s Sparty hanging from the bar at gymnastics.

And here’s Maya thinking it’s really funny to be winning in Chutes and Ladders.

And now the good news. Mom was discharged from The Vi (care facility) Thursday. She’s doing very well and managing to move around the house (on the main floor only) without assistance. She got a pretty new blue walker and Bruce installed a wand shower head and grab bars in her shower. We stocked her kitchen with pre-made salads and easy to heat up and eat meals, and all is well at the home front. With “90” just around the corner, we’re looking forward to the BIG birthday party!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!