Tilden Park

Above – one of our cow friends at the farm.

Below – First Place Alo smoothy mustache. 

Creative building …

If you lose something under the couch, Kando’s your man!

Waiting for the train to go.

Hurrying to the merry go round.


Robb made a killer lunch! Peanut butter & huckleberry jam sandwiches, cantaloupe, raisins, halo tangerines & more.

The second time around Robb’s on the teeny tiny horse & Kando’s on the frog.

At the farm…


Kando’s not afraid.

Even with that big ole tongue sticking out at him!
Maya helping Kando get up close and personal.

There’s that tongue again. Notice Maya’s knee … 


Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!