They come (and go) in twos …

Above and below – Robb sent me these photos taken about a month ago at Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek.

Remember the photos of Maya and her cinnamon toast? Well, the following week she decided she wanted to have some more, but this time with her brother. They were being silly (imagine that!). It just so happens there was also a “Where has your OBYoga Water Bottle Been?” moment I didn’t notice when I took the picture!

From Robb – One of his Tuesdays with the boys, getting some fresh air and eating seaweed. Yes, that’s right, seaweed. I think it’s yucky but they love it.

In the next two photos if you look closely you’ll see our two baby hummingbirds before they flew away. The nest is tiny. These two little ones took up the entire nest and then some.

And here are the two baby doves that flew away a couple days later.

The first video is of a very silly gymnast feeling very comfortable and at home on the trampoline.

This next very short video is of a fearless 1½ year old Kando with some incredible balance!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and MacBook with LOVE!