Happiness is making peanut butter cookies with Peanut Butter M&Ms and sprinkles, and eating all the ingredients before the cookies are baked!
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!
Above – Alo, Kando, Burt & Ernie, all content and happy.
Below – the OBYoga water bottle’s latest adventure to Yellowstone Park, courtesy of my student Natalia.
Where has YOUR OBYoga water bottle been?
Alo and Lily – Toddler nudest camp!
Bill’s new digs. He moved in Saturday, set up with all his things, photos and, of course, best friend Blake!
Blogged on Amma’s iMac with LOVE!
Above, Alo and his babe Lilly out for a cruise. We get to see him and the new baby this weekend!!
Below, more photos from last Monday with Sparty and Maya.
That’s no joke. Her foot was really stuck in the fence and I had to pry it out of there. Pretty funny!
Hi ho, Hi ho, it’s off to work I go … Yes, it’s true. I have to go to work today.
Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!
Above, Maya with her medal and pink flowers.
Yesterday’s gymnastics performance was really good. Here’s the group Maya was in (5th from right).
And, of course, the performance.
This morning we said goodbye to Jamie. We had a lot of fun with her while she was here and we were sorry to see her go. Here she is with two extra loads than what she she came here with!
Luckily for her an airport worker directed her toward an empty line and then she wound up in pre-check so check in was easy. So easy that she had time to visit the donut bar and get a root beer float donut!
Of course I insisted on a selfie!
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!
What a sweetie!
Evidently there was a free day at the merry-go-round. Notice Alo is on a different animal in each shot. That’s our boy!
Another photo from Maya’s first day at school.
We get to pick her up from school today so I’ll get to see first hand. Jamie flies in this morning so she’ll get to go with us. Then off to gymnastics!
Here’s a good shot. All the Beatles’ sons! L-R – Ringo’s 2 sons, Paul’s son, John’s two sons & George’s son.
It’s going to be another scorcher. A day to be glad we have air conditioning.
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!
A big day indeed!
You know you live in OB when …
This all started around 3:30am with blood curdling screams from up the street, followed by a woman running down and into a house across the street from us.
Even though I was rudely awakened at an ungodly hour, I still had a nice walk this morning – proof:
Jamie arrives tomorrow!
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!
That’s what Maya said to her new gym coach when she walked up to gymnastics today, this being her first day in the “Big Kids Class.”
After many months of watching the big kids line up in a “choo choo train” she finally got to lead the train. As they walked away, she looked over at me with a big smile. No tears today. So cool.
The only bad thing about this is me being banned from the mat. I have to sit with the even bigger people in the viewing area. This gets better every time she looks over at me with a big smile waiving (this has happened at least 5 times already and class only started 10 minutes ago). It’s a happy day! I can see she’s learning some new things, and with ease.
There she is at the far end doing butterfly legs.
Blogged on Amma’s iPad from the even bigger area at San Diego Gymnastics
It was a nice day yesterday getting unpacked and caught up on grocery shopping and laundry. It was a beautiful, crystal clear day.
Bath time, sent to me from Grandma Jo Jo. How fun! Nice shower cap… & look at those beautiful blue eyes!
I missed these little buggers.
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!
Lynn (my Airbnb roomie) and I met up with Robb, Akuch and Alo for dinner last night at a cute little Greek restaurant called Orexi in West Portal, about ½ mile from the Airbnb where we’re staying. It was so good to see this family again. Alo talked the whole way to the restaurant pointing out all sorts of things of interest, and talked up a storm during dinner.
One of the highlights was during dinner when Alo raised his arms in the air and said with enthusiasm “AMMA.” Just like when they were staying with us and I’d come in the house after work and he would be sitting in his high chair eating dinner.
Akuch is looking good and the baby looks like he’s ready to pop any day now. We had a really nice time with all of them.
Last but far from least, Maya was surprised with a trip to Disneyland for her 3rd birthday. Jen sent this picture earlier in the day & texted me after 9pm that they were still there having a great time.
Hugs, kisses & everlasting smiles to all my grandkids!
Blogged on Amma’s iPhone from SF with LOVE!
Last night we paid an early birthday visit to Maya since I’ll be gone for her real birthday celebration. We got her a Cinderella dress up dress and accessories and hand me down ice cream cake.
I guess she was planning on wearing the dress to bed.
Even Sparty liked the “light up” shoes.