The family car

Cheers! (my flatmate Jill and me)

Hello from Pune. I’ll start with some photos from my view on foot, as opposed to the back seat of a rickshaw or Uber.

Speaking of rickshaws, I realize that some of you call these motorized vehicles tuk tuks, but here in Pune they’re called rickshaws. Everyone calls them rickshaws, including the rickshaw drivers. Therefore, I call them rickshaws. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

And speaking of Ubers, during the past couple days, Uber snuck one in on us. When I arrange for an Uber, I always choose the cheapest ride which easily accommodates up to three people. Yesterday we were picked up by a rickshaw. An Uber rickshaw. Then again today another Uber rickshaw. Come to find out, rickshaw is now one of the Uber options, the cheapest option, which is about half the price of the previous cheapest option. This is great if you’re traveling a short distance, but for the long haul my body (particularly my back and neck) takes a beating in a rickshaw. After all the rain, the roads are horrible and the ride is extremely bumpy. Plus, if given a choice I’d rather be inside a vehicle with windows so I don’t have to breathe foul air and/or get wet when it rains. That is, of course, unless Nana’s driving. Just sayin’.

Veggie cart near Abhay’s studio
School kids
These two were blowing me kisses from their 2nd floor apartment

Below – one of the stores where we shop for food (& snacks).

Another view from the inside of an Uber, Ganesha on dashboard
Sewing shop

Here begins my collection of photos of the family car …

This is legal in India.
It’s a good thing Mom (yes that’s Mom) has a helmet on.
Look! Five people!

I think you get the picture (pun intended). Motorcycles and scooters are everywhere and there’s no limit as to how many people can ride on one (without a helmet).

Now I’m off to Prashant’s Friday evening Pranayama class.

Blogged on Amma’s MacBook from Pune with LOVE!

2 thoughts on “The family car

  1. Jill Stone

    They probably don’t keep stats on the injuries & deaths from these things, though I’m sure they’re pretty adept at maneuvering the roads. Helmet for mom! It’s probably not very affordable for them to have helmets for all. The vegetable market looks so beautiful. Your grandkids must be loving all the action photos & videos.

    Thanks for all the wonderful photos & commentary.
    xo Jill

    1. cherethomas Post author

      With all the people and all the cars and all the rickshaws and all the motorcycles and all the craziness and commotion, I haven’t seen one accident on the road in all my trips here (almost 4 months total). Knock on wood! ?

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