Sunday with Nana Part 1

Sunday afternoons are reserved for Nana who takes us wherever we want to go, and when we don’t know where we want to go he takes us wherever he wants.

First stop – chai! The following photos are of the chai and street food cart.

We went to the Honey Parlour but it was closed. Bummer. We’ll have to go another day.

Inside the clothing and material store next door to the Honey Parlour.

The next two are the alter and a painting hanging at the clothing store.

This is what Nana does while he’s waiting for us.

Views from the rickshaw…

Here are more views of the river after the water level went down a bit, and you can see a couple cars that suffered damage.

Selfie with and without masks.

Here’s a short YouTube glimpse of what it’s like riding with Nana through Pune.

We had a very tough class this morning with Raya. I should sleep well tonight!

Tomorrow is a national holiday, Independence Day, so we have the day off from classes at the Institute. It’ll be a good day for a nice practice and some rest and relaxation. Hopefully we’ll have some WiFi so I can easily do a blog post on my iPad.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone (because WiFi is too slow) with LOVE!

2 thoughts on “Sunday with Nana Part 1

  1. Eva

    Love all the pictures, so much color — and chai! Looks like you are having a very full experience.

  2. Kando, Alo, and Robb

    Alo likes that the video had a lot of cars. He loves cars. Kando does too. Kando thinks the pictures were really cool. I like how that person was just walking down the middle of the road in all that traffic in the video without any trouble.

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