Do I open the gate, or do I pass?

Above – Here’s Alo’s first school picture (Pre-Kindergarten). As Bruce said “He looks all growed up.” At only 5 years old, he looks like he’s 10 and he’s beaming with pride.

Here are the finished bird houses Maya and Sparty painted.

Although I missed Alo’s birthday party, here are some photos Robb sent me. He held the party at a nearby park with a swimming pool. Robb said he spent almost the entire time in the pool with the kids.

These photos were taken several months ago at the tide pools below Cabrillo National Monument. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a blast.

Making ghee. It boils until the milk solids float to the top, then they get strained out so the ghee is clear. It takes a couple hours but well worth the wait.

Happiness at Amma and Pappa’s.

Here’s what happens when you read the kids a book about yoga poses.

Maya really likes chalking up her hands …

Maya on the beam with Sparty in the background.

Throwback. I remember when … (yikes!)

These two love each other.

These two are pretty fond of each other too …

One of the best things about being retired is taking the time to smell the roses, or in this case to marvel about and enjoy beautiful flowers, some in our yard and others I see while out walking.

The question is “Do I open the gate, or do I pass?”

That sucker was big and as you can see from the first picture, it was hairy too. Or should I say it IS hairy. Of course I didn’t kill it. Nor did I open the gate. LOL!! I went around …

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and iMac with LOVE!