Now in Singapore

Singapore Airport is beautiful.

20130728-034704.jpgOrchid Garden





20130728-034930.jpgThis huge wall has plants hanging off it, and below is a close up of the detail of the wall.


20130728-035102.jpgThis is the mall at the airport (at 3:30am, which is why nobody’s here)

20130728-035310.jpgKoi Pond, where I’m sitting charging my phone & having a decaf latte.

20130728-035438.jpgThat’s Sharon trying to figure out how to use her new smart phone.

2 thoughts on “Now in Singapore

  1. Ron Thomas

    Glad you finally made your trip mom! I hope you enjoy it. We can’t wait for your return but hope time moves slow for you!!

    1. cherethomas Post author

      Well it’s started moving slowly. This is the longest day of my life. I don’t know when one ended & the other began, or if one ended and another began, or what time it is & when is bedtime???

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