It’s the Season

Above – Maya & Sparty with Santa (courtesy of Jen).

Below – Earlier this month, Robb and the boys shop a Christmas tree in chilly Walnut Creek (or thereabouts).

Back at the house with tree and train set.

You’ll want to make sure you have plenty of spare time when you view the next couple videos of Sparty’s and Maya’s school holiday programs. The first two are 15 minutes long.

Here’s Sparty’s.

This is Maya’s. In this video she does a dance with 3 other children. When I took that clip, I switched the phone to portrait which, I realized after I merged all the songs together (all other clips were landscape), cut portions of the children’s heads off. Don’t worry, I created a separate video (following this one) that has only that clip in portrait so you can see all of our beautiful granddaughter.

Here’s the short video of Maya’s dance, heads included!

An early Christmas for Kando & Alo last week at Daddy’s house.

On the last day of school before winter break, Alo and Kando hold up glazed sculptures they painted.

Last night’s Christmas Eve celebration was a quiet one. The youngest person there was 21 years old. Although all the little ones were missed, it was nice to sit and chat with everyone.

Both Robb and Ron collect their children at noon today and we’ll celebrate this afternoon with all of them.

I’ll leave you with a picture of the baklava Bruce and I made. Somehow this year we have extra left over, more than usual. It’s a good thing it freezes nicely. We’ll be able to pull it out later in the year when least expected. I bought the cinnamon sticks in Pune when I was there in August (see photo that follows).

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone X with an over abundance of joy, merriment & excitement (more than she can stand) at the anticipation of see all the grandkids together again!


2 thoughts on “It’s the Season

  1. Grandma Jo Jo

    What great fun. Of course the boys would end up on the tractors. So cute. The Christmas pageants of both of our beautiful grandchildren were precious. They grow so fast. The baklava looks real tasty. Have a great and Merry Christmas and New Year. We are in Florida no grandchildren which we do miss please hug and kiss Maya and Silas for us. Our love to Ron, Bruce, Monette and of course you .

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