Fergusson College Part 1

Above – Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil (l-r – Jill, me & Manyee) in Malasana on the hill behind Fergusson College.

On Tuesday (Independence Day holiday) we took a walk to Fergusson College. Check out this cement mixer we saw along the way.

Shops were closed early in the morning.

A temple.

Here we are. I think you’ll find and agree with me that the structures on campus are amazing.

When I was here in 2015, there were groups of students gathered in this shelter.

The students are all so beautiful. They were happy to see us and even happier to pose for a picture.

Below – Our friend, Uni (Indonesia), me, ManYee and Jill.

Because of the holiday, their equivalent of ROTC was out in force marching in formation.

On the hill above Ferguson College. We hiked to the top where there was a 360 degree view. Here we are in a modified Malasana (head down), the city of Pune in the distance.

And a smile for you.

I have more photos like this I’ll share in the days to come.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat so I did a restorative at home. I felt better as the day went on and went to Nawaz’s Pranayama class. As it turns out, this was my last Friday Pranayama class because next Friday is another holiday – Ganesh Chaturthi, which is a Hindu festival. There are many stages being set up around town for the festival. If you’re interested to learn more about Ganesh Chaturthi, check out this wiki link: Ganesh Chaturthi.

Tomorrow is 9:30am women’s class with practice in the afternoon. My flatmates and I have a date tomorrow night at the Marriott for dinner where the food is guaranteed to be “safe.”

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and MacBook from iNdia with LOVE!

You may wonder why or how I can create a blog post on both my phone and MacBook. To make it simple to understand, it’s easier to upload photos from my phone into the WordPress app, and easier to edit and type my commentaries on the MacBook. So first I create the post on my iPhone and after I get all the photos uploaded I save the post as a draft and finish it on my MacBook. G’nite.