Kids, Kids and More Kids

That is, except for the two adults in the photo above. That’s my (& Bruce’s) friend Larry from San Francisco who I ran into at a yoga workshop in LA last Sunday. That was his “Hi to Bruce” photo. It’s a small yoga world.

Below, two tired kids having a little rest.

Pretty braids … 

Maya, Sparty and I took the wagon to OB Park just down the street. This little monkey spent most of the time going back and forth on the monkey bars.

Weekend with Dad

Look who got a train table set! This thing’s amazing!

AND a new bike!

Of course, Kando gets Alo’s old bike and everyone’s happy!

As it turns out, the perfect time of day to Skype the kids is in the afternoon. Their attention seemed to be much better at that time of day.

Out for a ride.

Last Sunday Robb sent us these photos from the Lake Chabot Bicycle Loop. I think I went there with them a couple years ago when I went to visit. It looks very familiar to me.

They look pretty happy!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone and iMac with LOVE!