Monthly Archives: September 2014

Alo swims & cousins playing

I love the photo above Robb sent of Akuch & Alo playing in the water at Waterfront Park downtown.

Yesterday Alo goes for his first swim. He really enjoyed splashing around on the step while Robb selected his football team.



Then Maya gives Alo a cooking lesson …



Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

Sunday morning with Alo

Yesterday we gave Robb a little help watching Alo & moving some stuff to storage. Alo’s getting bolder with his walking, taking more steps every time we see him.


We have so much fun with him. He’s curious and into everything. I’m pretty sure he said “airplane” 2x yesterday. It really sounded like “airp…” but he was looking and pointing at an airplane flying over at the time. Pretty smart.

He’s working on shoveling food into his mouth (with a little help).

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!