Category Archives: Maya

Catching up

Alo’s walking now, at least when he wants to. He’s still got that separation anxiety with something to hold onto. Robb & Akuch sent me the photo above when I was in Lake Arrowhead.

Bruce took Maya to the beach Thursday and sent me these photos.


I got home mid-afternoon Friday, just in time to play a little and rock Alo to sleep (a very easy task). When he woke up, we spent some quality time out on the grass and took some selfies.





He wasn’t too crazy about wearing that hat, but he looks so darn cute in it!



Yesterday afternoon Bruce and I spent about 4 hours cleaning the basement. I went through most of the non-paperwork/non-photos boxes from Billi’s house. It feels so good to be done with that portion of the boxes, and to have obtained back a big chunk of spare space.

This morning Robb sent me this photo of Alo at the park in his new little sandals.


Lots of pictures today to make up for no grandkid photos all week. Now I need some of Sparty …

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Impromptu babysitting

Ron and Jen dropped the little ones off last night so they could go out on a date.

Sparty arrived fed and happy.


… while Maya didn’t waste any time getting the lego wagon out.


… and the funky hat and Jelly Bellies …




I really like that Maya lets me take pictures of her now … now that she realizes the pictures are FUN to look at!! Notice the dogs want to know and be in the middle of everything she’s up to.

I saved this YouTube video for last. Sparty is well entertained in his bouncy seat.
Those are some chunky legs!!

I’ll be heading to Lake Arrowhead this afternoon for a yoga philosophy and asana (poses) retreat, returning Friday afternoon.

Note to Robb & Akuch: Pappa will be on hand for watching Alo Friday in my absence. There’s no show at the Pt. Loma Library this week, so check with Pappa for a Nati’s rendezvous on Thursday.

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Puppet Show

Alo and Maya had a great time at the puppet show yesterday. It was the last event of the summer for the Pt. Loma Library. Maya and Alo also enjoyed each other!



This lady did a fantastic job of keeping her show moving, synchronized to sometimes foot-stomping, hand clapping music with a flying pig, a horse trotting, a muscleman doing aerobics, a trapeze artist, and more. I sat on the floor with the kids to get a better view.

All the kids there were pretty good, sitting still and watching the 30-minute show. At one time, the music got hoppin’ and Maya got to dancing!


It was great fun for all of us.



Here’s Alo’s little buddy, Jerardo, and mom, Akuch and Alo’s friends from the park. It was nice they were also able to enjoy the fun.


This afternoon – Alo and Amma Time! A guaranteed good time.

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Maya and the trampoline

I took the day off yesterday to get our tax stuff together. It pretty much takes an entire day (UGH!). But luckily for me, Maya had gymnastics and I had the opportunity to go watch, and actually followed her around keeping her corralled to the task at hand, whatever that was at the time.

There were probably 10 kids, all about Maya’s age. During the hour, there were many fun things to do, like …

– hang on the bars, pulling up to look over, bringing the feet up to touch the bar, and learning how to drop onto the floor from the bar safely,

– jump up on big plastic-wrapped cushions and do backward sumersaults over them,

– do handstands (feet to wall), and

– JUMP on the trampoline. This clearly was Maya’s favorite. Here she is jumping with her teacher.


Of course, I took a video I uploaded to YouTube.

Then, when it was all over all the kids lined up to get a tattoo and sticker (Maya still has her sticker on this morning).


Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

Magical Cousins

Maya and Alo sit among the kids at the Pt. Loma Library Magic show.

Evidently the magician was doing Pappa’s “hide the quarter” trick … better than Pappa…



Then at Nati’s, Alo was looking to Bill for entertainment. The two of them exchanged some silly moments and Alo was loving it, waiting for more.


This afternoon Alo comes for a visit and playtime, then tomorrow Sparty will spend some time with us.

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!

You’re not a baby anymore …

Poor thing. There’s really not a lot that can be said about these pictures, except they’re pretty damn funny and Maya sure looks BIG.

Jen goes back to work today. I wonder how she’s going to cope dealing with adults ???

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!

It’s challenging …

… to get all three grandkids together in one photo looking at (or near) the camera!

While I was teaching yesterday morning, I looked out the window and saw the neighbor took down his work of art. Whew! As of this morning, it’s still gone. We’re hoping it stays that way. Already prospective buyers are looking at the house today.


Blogged on my iPad with LOVE!

Happiness is …

… a happy baby,

being in Daddy’s arms …

… being on Pappa’s lap,

… being in Mommy’s arms,

… a cookie!


… and having these beautiful babies in my life!

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!