Monthly Archives: July 2016


Above – There’s never a shortage.

I haven’t shared many selfies lately, so I went through my recent photos and pulled these up. The first one with Maya was taken on Father’s Day on the Seal boat while on land.

I took this one last weekend at the OB Street Fair. Don’t mind the owie on Sparty’s bottom lip. It was a minor incident that occurred while he was on a fun outing with Rachel (nanny). It healed up nicely.

I took this little gem Wednesday in the parking lot before music class. Even my silly singing and looking for big trucks, tractor trailers, motorcycles and the like couldn’t keep him awake in the car. I was even reaching into the back seat, tugging on his legs and feet and he still wouldn’t budge. Robb and Akuch arrived late last night. I head them sneak in but I haven’t seen them yet. I’m off to an early start this morning to a cat scan appointment with Mom so it may not be until later this morning or afternoon before I get to see them.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone & iMac with LOVE!