Monthly Archives: August 2015

Chris & Cristy Visit Pune

Above: In the rickshaw yesterday – Me, Cristy, Nana and Chris

As I mentioned yesterday, my friends Chris (also a yoga student) and Cristy arrived last night. Yesterday we had a long day with Nana. Some of these photos don’t require an explanation (so I won’t explain…). They’re just worthy of sharing.

On one of our stops Cristy picked out some fabric and was measured for a kurta. Here she is holding the fabric up to see what we think of the colors on her.

The sewing room at the fabric shop.

We had lunch at Shiv Sagar, good Indian food.

Views from the rickshaw


Tonight was a nearly 2 hour Pranayama class with Geetaji. There was a lot of coughing going on in the hall. It seems a lot of people are coming down with this dang cold. I ended up doing normal breathing toward the end of class (during digital Pranayama) to suppress coughing from a dry throat. There’s a lot of pollution in the air here …

Grandkid Siblings

Alo (almost 2) and his baby brother, Kando (2 weeks old)

Sparty (15+ months) and Maya (3 yrs)


Blogged on Amma’s MacBook from iNdia with LOVE!


I will make this post short because I just arrived home (11pm) from the Shraddhanjali and dinner with Chris and Cristy, who dropped in for a two day Pune visit along their travels.

Below, five of us catch a ride in a mini van to the Shraddhanjali, a tribute to end the one year mourning of Guruji’s death. From left to right – our driver, Cristy, Chris, Juan (Spain), Umi and the camera wielding me. 

Below, Abhijata (Guruji’s granddaughter) speaks of memories of her times with Guruji.

Below, Geetaji (Guruji’s daughter) talks about the continuing obligations of Iyengar yoga practitioners. That’s Raya fixing Geetaji’s seat and positioning. Raya played a key role in my shoulder surgery in 2013, as did Abhijata.

Selfie of my friend, Winnie (lives in DC) and me after the ceremony. Winnie was here in 2013, and she travels to attend Manouso workshops in SF, LA & SD so she’s no stranger to me. 

This is the morning guard for the Institute. He was dressed to greet and guard at the entrance of the ceremony and was happy to pose for me.

When we got dropped off at the Institute after the ceremony I showed the afternoon/evening guard the photo I took of the other guard (above). He immediately ran and got his hat and asked me to take his photo. I told him to go to the monument so I could take his photo there. Notice his feet. This is the same guard who told us “no shoes” when we took the photos there yesterday. I let it slide. I’m definitely not looking for problems…

After the ceremony, Chris, Cristy and I went to South Indies for dinner. This is a more upscale restaurant just around the corner from the Institute. This is the main course. There were several servings of “starters” before this plate arrived and I was stuffed! 

I have a lot more photos from the day I spent with Chris and Cristy I’ll share tomorrow and over the weekend. I got up early this morning to attend Prashant’s 7am class (which was wonderful), then Nana picked me up at 10:30. Nana and I went for a chai and before we picked C&C up at 11. It’s been a long day for me and I feel like I’m coming down with a sore throat … again.


Blogged on Amma’s MacBook from iNdia with LOVE!


Above (L-R) bottom Uni (Indonesia), top ManYee (Honk Kong Chinese living in Australia), Jill (Australia), Chere, Kathleen (Milwaukee) & Rachel (Israel) at the sign in front of RIMYI

Here’s a better daytime photo of the display at the front of RIMYI with your favorite blogging yogi. The first photo of me in my yoga clothes was taken this morning before the 9:30am class.

This second photo was taken this afternoon. My friend Pash and I were walking by the Institute and saw they affixed some lotus flowers at each corner of the base and placed some plants around it so we thought we’d take photos of each other. Pash went first and as she walked over to the monument, the guard stopped her and said “no shoes.” Ooops! The photo I took in the morning clearly shows me wearing shoes. I suppose the good thing is that I saw one of the workers later in the day hosing off the platform, so I’m sure he cleaned off all my (& everyone else’s) icky shoe gunk. I am a little ashamed of myself, but I’m going to practice letting go. There … all gone.

Oh look. Another cow. It must be eating trash in the street or licking up petro or something interesting like that. There’s always a cow in this area and I’m convinced I keep taking pictures of the same cow. 

And another surprise (pardon the “drive by shot”) – goats. Lots and lots of them.

I know you’ve been worried about my safety, so considering my dad was a fireman, I felt the need to look into the fire safety in our building. It’s reassuring to know this Fire Alarm Panel looks fairly new and maybe even works. Let’s hope we don’t have to find out. I wonder if I can hear that ground floor speaker on the 9th floor … ?? Not to fret, I’m getting really good at running down the stairs.

Geeta taught the ladies 9:30am class again this morning. We spent a great deal of time in Virabhadrasana 1, arms up. For those of you non-yogi types, this means hard work. We moved into Virabhadrasana 2 (more hard work), Ustrasana (did someone say “hard work”) and then standing backbend without dropping back. That was about the extent of what we worked on for TWO hours. Geeta helped a fairly large man with Ustrasana (camel pose). We all learned so much from the adjustments she gave, the entire class gave an ovation to the progress he made.

I feel fortunate.

Blogged on Amma’s BackBook from iNdia with LOVE!

Ramamani and Guruji

Above – The display of Ramamani and Guruji with the plaque. I posted this a couple days ago, but it was unfinished. It looks to me like there is also some wet concrete around it (I should have left a handprint!). I checked two times today to see if it was done, and then while I was observing the 6pm class this evening I heard the chiseling tool hard at work. I’ll take a better photo tomorrow in the daylight.

Below, rickshaw driver, Amin. Amin also speaks English and is a favorite among the students at the Institute. He’s highly reliable, very friendly and honest. Honesty goes a long way here when it comes to rickshaw drivers. 

Horn please.

Cow. Again.

Gecko! I found this little guy (or girl) hanging out in our kitchen this morning. Such a score! It’s only about 1 1/2″ long.

Now here’s a safe and comfortable ride.

FaceTime with the grandkids. On top is Sparty. He’s wondering when I’m going to pop out of the iPad and play with him.

And here’s Maya. I’m only sometimes allowed to see an entire face. But beggars can’t be choosers, and I’ll take whatever I can get whenever I can get it.

This morning was Prashant’s class at 7am. We started out in Sirsasana (headstand) with a lot of variations. Tomorrow I’m hoping Geetaji will be teaching the 9:30 women’s class again. I get to sleep in a little tomorrow.

Blogged on Amma’s MacBook from iNdia with LOVE!

More Ferguson College

Above – young boys walking through Ferguson College when we were there Saturday morning. They were happy to find westerners to practice their English on.

We had 7am class with Prashant this morning which started out with a 8-10 minute Sirsasana and Eka Pada Sirsasana (that’s headstand and headstand with one leg extending forward). After class I had a nice practice and then an Ayurvedic treatment complete with a homemade Ayurvedic meal. By the time I got home, I was so wasted I ended up relaxing the rest of the day. I guess it was a longer weekend than I thought.

Here are some more photos I took at Ferguson College. I really liked this walkway.

This is a shell of a building on campus – two students talking.

Three weeks down, two weeks to go. Bruce might not agree with me, but time seems to be going by quickly for me.

Blogged from iNdia with LOVE!

Together Again & Sunday with Nana

Above: Together again – Guruji is placed next to his wife, Ramamani, at the entrance of RIMYI. I’m hoping the plaque is done before I leave so I can see it and also get a photo. Maybe it’ll be completed by Thursday for the Shraddhanjali. 

Nana picked us up today at 11am and off we went on another Sunday outing. Here’s a selfie of us (me, ManYee, Jill and Nana) in the rickshaw.

Nana really got a kick out of the selfies.

First stop – the perfumery. This shop has been running for three generations. These two men are so cute and very sweet. 

Next stop – Chai! Below, the chai vendor and me. Robb and Ron … this ear hair’s for you!

Below, Me, Nana, ManYee, the Chai vendor, Jill and the 3 guys in the background who included themselves in the photo. Everyone wants to be in our photos!

Beautiful women on a scooter next to us in the rickshaw.

Next stop – Karachiwala, the Indian handicraft store (again …).

Then lunch at the Coffee Shop which is next door to Karachiwala. We ate upstairs in the air conditioning which really felt good. Below, the three flat mates happy with FOOD!

Lastly, the Cashmere and gem stores (again …). On my left is the gem vendor, Altaf, and on my right is Soba, Altaf’s uncle, the Cashmere vendor.

No more shopping for me! That is unless Chris and Cristy want to shop Thursday when they arrive. I’m looking forward to seeing them and showing them around Pune for the two days they’re here. I’ve got Nana reserved both Thursday and Friday for them.

Last night these four ladies went out on the town. Here we are at the JW Marriott wine bar. L-R – me, Uni (Indonesia), Jill and ManYee

We also ate at the upscale restaurant in JW Marriott. We chose from a huge buffet full of appetizers before the main course was brought out. We each chose a plate, although by this time I was already stuffed and couldn’t eat any more. We didn’t get home until 11.


As I was posting this blog it started pouring rain. It’s dusk here and the birds are going back to the park to turn in for the night, and they’re filling the air with a mixture of bird noises. I feel fortunate to be on top of the world on the 9th floor witnessing this.

Blogged from iNdia with LOVE!


Ferguson College

This morning Jill and I went for an early morning walk to Ferguson College, about a mile away from our flat. We weren’t sure whether we’d see many people out and about on campus because it’s Indian Independence Day and a holiday here. We were pleasantly surprised to find many people on campus walking, playing sports, conversing. Also dogs goats and pigs!

I was overwhelmed with the wonderful photo opportunities with the beautiful people, animals and structures.

This is Pooja. She approached us as we walked up Ferguson College Road and asked where we’re from. She’s a student and very nice.

A home along the way before entering the college campus.

Another two very nice students who approached us asking us questions.

Campus buildings where classes are held. 


The turtle (Kurma) is frequently seen at entrances in India. Kurma represents “going inward.”

More campus structures. 

This is either a class, or maybe a prayer or chanting session.

This is a window looking into the library.

After I took the two photos above a guard came up to us and told us “not allowed.” Then he closed the window. Too bad because he was really just pushing his weight around and it was a very beautiful photo op.

Below are another couple students who were very curious about us. After we talked to them for a few minutes and took their photo they told us they were collecting foreign currency and asked if we had any. Do we really look that stupid?


I believe these ROTC-types were preparing for some sort of march or maybe an Independence Day parade.



Look closely in the middle of the next photo. A chipmunk!

Cricket! Yes, cricket! We watched a little bit of this game, and this person was quite the big hitter! I took a video I’ll share in the next couple days.

Another encounter with very nice people. These women work at the college. I had a hard time understanding, but they’re in uniform and I believe they do some sort of cleaning.

This woman was feeding leaves from a nearby tree to the goats. I think the dog thinks it’s a goat.

This puppy was adorable and wanted to play with me so badly but I have to stick with my policy of “no touching the animals.” They’re very dirty and probably full of bugs and/or worms. This one was special though. Small and playful. Very cute!

Pigs!! On campus. Wild. Seriously!

This also is on campus and is someone’s residence, complete with dish network of some sort.

That’s enough for one day. We just returned from a glass of wine and a five course meal at JW Marriott. It was very good and I’m stuffed. I’m ready for a good night’s sleep (remember we’re 11 1/2 hours ahead of SD time) so I’m heading to bed.

Blogged from iNdia with LOVE!

Siamese Banana

Above, Guruji in Padmasana on the exterior of the building at RIMYI.

This morning I had a nice 2 1/2 hour practice and tonight we were fortunate to have Geetaji teach the Pranayama class and it was wonderful.

Below, my crazy roomie ManYee with her anti-aging cream on her nose. Her nose must be aging faster than the rest of her face.

Here’s a really good surprise – a Siamese banana!

Here’s the other side. I made the vendor hold it up for me so I could take the picture.

Me, Aubrey (London) & Kathleen (Milwaukee) having fresh lime soda at the Chetak after a walk to the Hand Made clothing store.

For dinner tonight I made banana (not the Siamese banana), pomegranate and Dahi (yogurt). Note to Natalia – this yogurt is almost as good as yours.

Tomorrow is Independent Day in India. It marks the anniversary of the day India became independent from Great Britain. There won’t be any classes at the Institute so my roomies and I are planning a quiet practice and dinner at an upscale South Asian restaurant about a block away from our flat.

Blogged from iNdia with LOVE!

Slimy Wonder

Isn’t it cool?? That’s Kathleen’s size 6 1/2 foot. Kathleen’s hand too. I knew I would have a good day when this was the first thing I saw when I went outside this morning.

This looks cozy …

Horn please. 

I would include the photos I took today of water buffalo and cows but I thought I’d give my readers a break. Plus I didn’t want anything to take away the excitement of seeing the monster snail photos.

Next Thursday (8/20) we will be attending this Shraddhanjali paying homage to Guruji on the first anniversary of his death (punyatithi). My friend and student, Chris, will be arriving in Pune that day. I got permission for him to attend, so he and his friend Cristy who will be traveling with him will be joining me. He’ll be here two days, so we’ll do some sightseeing together.


I loved Prashant’s class this morning! What better to do during forward bend week than nothing but backbends? All sorts of backbends, supported, non-supported, at the ropes, in the chair. Included in that – whichever backbend “suits your purpose.”

You are to “… find the Kurma Kriya in every pose.”

“Shoulder blade in. Shoulder blade in. Shoulder blade in. Have you ever been to a yoga class where the teacher doesn’t tell you to take the shoulder blade in? [Pauses. Looks around.] “Is there ever an instance when the shoulder blade is out of the body?”

Back home:

Thursdays are my day to take Maya to gymnastics. Bruce is taking her in my absence, and he sent me these photos. She’s a sweetie!

Blogged from iNdia with LOVE!

I Smell Pony

That’s what my son Ron used to say when we drove by Hollandia Dairy in Escondido when he was a little tike. “The cows are out today” was another saying whenever the cows were out grazing.

Not only were the cows out today, but we had a very exciting water buffalo sighting.

I think this is the same cow I took the video of yesterday. It must in charge of traffic control. 

If you look between the red truck and the white truck on the other side of the street you will see a herd of water buffalo.

They weren’t very patient but the two men leading them were attempting to keep them all together to wait for traffic to clear before crossing the road.

Here they come! 

It was right about at this time I got a pretty good whiff, and I smelled pony in a very big way!

This cow is having a little snack.

And here’s another herd of buffalo. You have to look very closely.

We got twisted In Geetaji’s morning women’s class today. The entire class, with the exception of Sirsasana (headstand) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) was done on the floor. We did intense seated revolved asanas, holding them for very long periods of time, leading up to Ardha Matseyendrasana (half lord of the fish pose).

Blogged from iNdia with LOVE!